Aiden's Quest Page 27
“Terrence,” King Daron began, “ye have lived for over a year in and around the dark forest, have ye not?”
“I have, my king.”
“Ye may bear witness to the evil creatures that indeed inhabit this place.”
“Yes, my king. They are the vilest of creatures. I loathe every last one of them.”
“But ye have not seen Dromreign, have ye?”
“No, my king, I have not. Yet, among my companions at the time were those who have witnessed the dragon themselves. And, as I have said before, I have witnessed a village laid waste by it only hours after it departed. No other creature could have done the type of destruction that I saw. Dromreign is no creature of fiction, my king. I have seen enough to know of its existence and of its destructive and vial nature.”
“Legend has it that this ferocious dragon has been around, in one form or another, since the beginning of time. At least as far back as we have legends and history.”
“In one form or another?” asked Terrence.
“Yes. The earliest legend speaks of him as like a man, when all the living creatures were aligned. He was described as superior in many aspects—a little bigger, stronger, intellectually keen, extraordinarily influential, loved, adored, perhaps feared, but highly respected.”
“A man?”
“Well, perhaps not a man, but like a man; in the form of a man at least. It is said that he has always had the heart of a dragon.
“The time had come to choose a leader; one who would lead all living creatures. Many suspected, including Dromreign himself, that he would be selected as the leader. When the day came and the selected leader was named, it was not he. It is said that his entire countenance changed and that the anger in his eyes caused them to glow red with that anger, malice, and vengeance.
“He was not the only one who was angry. When it was clear that he was not in support of the leader, or the majority, many others stood by his side. Though those who stood with him were only half as numerous as those who did not, still his pride brought him to think that he could triumph over the others. A great battle ensued. Though they were fewer in number, Dromreign and his legions were strong and battled fiercely. They did not, however, prevail. They were forced to retreat and they retreated towards the great mountains to the region now known as the dark forest. To this day they continue to dwell there.”
Terrence looked at the king ironically. “But…”
“This is but the earliest legend, Terrence. There are many further legends to tell.
“The first great battle was over and the people had won, but the war still rages on. There have been many battles since. It is said that Dromreign and his forces primarily attacked at night. The legends speak of him and his followers eating the flesh and drinking the blood of those who they conquered. This taste for human blood and his hatred to all of humankind caused many changes. The legends speak of them being more powerful at night—in the darkness. Later legends speak of Dromreign as a vampire, literally drinking the blood of living humans during the night. They speak of the mark of fangs in the victim’s carotid artery with their bodies drained of blood. It is around this time that they speak of him transforming into a bat at night and flying. This is when he is first spoken of as a flying creature. Many of the other men that were with him were said to transform into wolves at night. So they battled as men during the day but as a bat and as wolves at night. Others were said to have become serpents—both day and night.
“As the history and legends progress we stop hearing of men at all. But, day and night, the forest crawls with anacondas and wolves, and the flying bat had grown to the size of a small dragon. In these legends, the dragon is only a little larger than a man and can only consume one man or woman at a time. Stories, like these, from even centuries ago are not so unfamiliar from what we experience now. They speak of Dromreign leaving his lair at night and attacking small groups of nomads, and occasionally attacking a small village. The wolves and the snakes staying in the forest region for the most part.
“Even in my younger years, though the dragon was feared and horror stories were told of his conquests and destructions, he was not as powerful as he is now. He did not take out entire towns and cities as he does now. But in my lifetime, and over the most recent years, he has grown in greater strength and power. At one time, all the people were united against this great beast. With time, the people separated out into various groups. But we were still united, at least in so far as we were against him. We helped each other, we traded with each other; we were always one against this beast.
“Now, the people have divided apart from each other. We are no longer unified but are at odds with each other. Some, especially those in Cardsten, would even worship this wicked beast. They, though human, would align themselves with him and attack those who are at enmity with the beast. As the people divide and lose their unity, so does the beast grown in strength and power. We, the humans, seem to be helping this dragon. He begins to win the war and not just the occasional battle. Humans now are aligning with him in the destruction of their fellowman. And still he grows in strength, power, and ferocity. He is becoming bolder, too. He sets out more in the day, or returns after the cloak of darkness has passed. He attacks larger and stronger peoples with great success. He comes closer to the great cities of Cardsten and Agedon than in decades’ past. While all this happens, the people become weaker, disunified, and apathetic—even sympathetic to the beast.”
“This, I have seen firsthand in Cardsten,” said Terrence.
“Yes, and this is why ye are here with us. Ye are not to be united with that filthy beast. Ye would rather die ridding the world of Dromreign than live protecting him.”
“This is true, my king. A question remains, my king, from these legends that you have told.”
“What is it?”
“Why, after all these millennia, do Dromreign and his ilk stay in the dark forest, except for hunts? Why did they not spread out and build cities and do as humans do?”
“Terrence, they left the human race long ago. They are the sworn enemy of the humans and will stop at nothing in order to destroy human kind. It is total and complete destruction that they are after. I suppose that they prefer the darkness to the light. The forest and the mountainous lair provide this for them. But, legend provides still another answer to your question.
“Perhaps ye have heard the legends of the promise land?”
Terrence chuckled. “Yes, king, of this great land beyond the mountains I have heard. A land with no wicked creatures; where people live safely and peaceably and fear nothing. I have heard these legends spoken of since childhood. But, I have lived in and around the dark forest. I have never seen an entrance to such a land. I think that this is nothing more than a children’s fable.”
“Aw. Well, at least let me answer ye’re question by referencing this legend.”
“Of course, my king.”
“It is said that there is such a land and that the entrance is difficult to obtain. That one must shed nearly everything in order to enter. That one must be healthy and strong in order to enter. It is said that it takes preparation to enter, and that when one goes in that they leave the world behind.
“If such a land does exist, and if it is impenetrable by Dromreign and his forces, then it would truly be a promise land. This land would also foil all of Dromreign’s plans. For he wants to destroy mankind fully and completely. But, if in this land, all the people are beyond his grasp, then he would fail. Some say that they do not stay in the dark forest for their own comfort and protection, but rather to guard the entrance to the promise land. That as long as they keep the people from entering therein, that they can eventually overpower the human race. I cannot verify all that I have told to ye this day, but this much I can confirm. Dromreign and his beasts are growing such that they may be able to destroy the people of this world.”
“My king, do you believe all of these legends?”
The king smiled as he looked upon Terrence. �
�Terrence, these ancient legends contain truth. I cannot speak to the literal accuracy of every fact therein. This much I do know: there is a great evil in this world. And I, Daron Drake, king of Agedon do take it upon myself to rid the world of it.
“Terrence, I ask you to lead my forces against this hideous and terrible beast, the dragon Dromreign. Though it has lived for millennia, and grows stronger and more powerful rather than feeble with age and time, I do not believe it to be immortal, to be indestructible, to be able to withstand a powerful force against it. I believe we can prevail against it; it has lost battles before. If we defeat it for good, then our whole world would be the promise land.”
“My king, I intend to do just that.”
“That is as I have hoped.”
“May I ask some questions, in regards to tactics and strategy?”
“By all means.”
“Are we to go to it, to the dark forest, or are we preparing for when the dragon comes to us?”
“Terrence, we prepare for an attack on us daily. We have always prepared for this possibility. But I hope to meet the dragon on its turf before it ever attempts to come to ours.”
“But, my king, the dragon is not on foot, at least not upon the ground. It is said to live mid-way up the mountain, in a lair unreachable by humans. Are we to attempt to climb to its lair?”
“I agree with you, Terrence. We will not catch him in his lair. But perhaps we can fight him on his turf, within the dark forest, without him traveling to Agedon. When a large contingent of humans invades his forest, it is hard to image the dragon not coming in for the attack. He will smell the human flesh and will savor the taste. Dromreign will come to us as we go to him.”
“Now, this armor that I have seen today, is this for protection against the dragon?”
“Terrence, this battle has been considered for many years. We have consulted everyone we could consult, including the military of Cardsten some years ago. This armor may help us to get to the battle with Dromreign. We think that it will protect us from the serpents and wolves. It will also protect us, if it becomes necessary, from the arrows and swords of Cardsten. There will be no great battle with the filthy beast unless we can make it through these obstacles.”
“Yes, my king, I see the wisdom in this. But, I fear that this means of getting to the beast may prove our weakness for the battle with the dragon itself. The flames that emanate from it are of such consuming force that, though the armor may provide brief shield and protection from the heat and power, ultimately the armor will heat to such a degree that the men will literally fry therein. The hot metal would increase the speed of their destruction. In addition to this concern, what of our fighting ability? Would we not be slower and weaker? Can we wield a sword, or throw a spear, or fire an arrow when we are so weighed down by such armor? Would not our march be exhausting such that when we make it to the great battle we are but weakened and easy prey for the dragon? Would we not be quickly and utterly destroyed as soon as the battle begins?
“My king, I have lived within the dark forest and have battled the wolves. They are fierce and lives may be lost to them. But, it is not beyond our abilities to be trained to not only survive, but to fight and prevail against the wolves and the serpents of the forest.”
The king considered thoughtfully for a few moments. “Yea, Terrence these concerns have all been considered. But ye must also consider that ye were but a small number of able young men within the forest. Ye were not there to attack the wolves nor the dragon. Ye were not making any attempt to enter upon the promise land. Ye were there for ye’re own protection alone. To find food and shelter and clothing. Ye stayed at the edge and did not show a sign of attack. Ye fought bravely and defended yerselves well. Still, we would be marching in number to the heart of the forest—towards Dromreign himself. We would attract the full furry of the beasts throughout the land. It would be a full battle. Though the men may be able to kill a number of wolves, yet we would lose a great many also and possibly lose the battle before even awakening the beast. Even if we did prevail, how many of our forces would be in battle condition when the dragon arrived. Though the armor may not be able to stop the consuming fire, are our bare skins really any better? Would not our flesh be consumed in the flame as easily as it would be scorched within the armor. What ye say is true, yet I think that the armor would prove useful.
“Terrence, it will not be long before the armor is ready. The men will learn to battle therein. They will be conditioned for the weight and the heat. They will grow stronger under the force of opposition. When we march, we will be ready to march. We will learn to throw the spear, to wield the sword, to fire an arrow with these protecting suits of armor. At the very least we may surprise or confuse the beast. The dragon may not immediately recognize the armored men as human. He will see that they have penetrated his forces unharmed. Even a brief hesitation on his part could open up the path. Dromreign, though powerful, cunning, and strong, is but the most selfish and proudest of creatures. The dragon may see harm to himself and that may prove his undoing. I speak hopefully, you understand. I do not discredit your valuable concerns. But Terrence, we will lead an armored battalion of warriors to defeat the monster and bring peace to our world.”
“My king, it shall be as you have spoken. I am satisfied as to your wisdom and your preparation. My concerns have not abated, but it would not be possible to undertake this course in any way without much to be concerned about. With this understanding I do hereby join you and the army of Agedon in the quest to destroy Dromreign and bring peace back to the earth. I thank you again my king for your trust and understanding. Let us prevail!”
Chapter 19